Thursday, April 21, 2011

R is for Rachel

Yes that's me. Funny that R should fall on this of all days as it's my Birthday. Just a shout out for me as the rest of my day will be spent corraling my children and trying to keep my husband sane before I go to work. Fun day, huh.
Birthdays are one thing in stories we sometimes forget. All of our characters no matter where they're from have a birthday, holidays, etc. Sometimes I forget to include such days in my stories though they are very important. As important as it is to us it should be important to them as well even if its just to note the day.


  1. Happy Birthday Rachel!!! Great point to think about for our characters. I do believe it's the element my story needs. A birthday during tragedy... hmm.... perhaps it's time to write! Thank you!!! I hope your day has made you smile!

  2. Thanks. So far I've enjoyed it.

  3. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Rachel, happy birthday to you.

    We all deserve a little song and dance on our birthdays. Sorry you can't see the dance I'm doing in your honor.

    I agree with the birthdays in stories. Have a great day!

  4. Yay! Happy Birthday to you! I used K is for Karen on my other blog, and it wasn't even my birthday.

  5. Hey Rachel ~~ I'm popping in from the A~Z Challenge . Happy Birthday (I'm 2 days late ...)
    Hope you had a great day !! :)

